What is Curse?

A curse is created by harmful cosmic energy waves generated from the affected people’s brains due to their strong thoughts. An individual’s brainpower makes such negative energy in the case of a human being or cosmic powers in the case of gods and nature. The negative energy created by the human mind power, especially by a person in an angry mood, travels through the cosmos and attacks the victim, irrespective of good or bad or true or false attributes of either side. A curse is not connected with the good or bad actions, karmas, and Punya or papa effects.
Action-wise, the curse, and karma are both different. The impact of a curse depends on the affected person’s strong thoughts and frustrating feelings towards the other person. The human brain is always connected with the free-roaming cosmic energy particles that exist externally. Whenever a person thinks strongly about another person with anger, his brain generates harmful energy waves. Such triggered energy quickly reaches the opponent via the external cosmic energy and affects his brain’s action and peace.
What is the power of a curse?
There is a vast difference between the cosmic energy’s travel speed triggered by one’s curse and karma. Human brain generates negative energy waves which is called curse. A curse is like riding a bike that reacts quickly, and karma is like reading a book that responds slowly. Curse is more dangerous than karma. Likewise, jealous thoughts also create some bad cosmic energy and affect other people for a short time. When an angry person shouts at somebody continuously for some time, he will lose some energy. Energy never dies, and it travels toward the targeted person. The targeted person may be innocent, and he worries. We know that the feelings cause worries. Feelings are the reaction of brain waves. His brain waves are affected by the angry person’s shouting.
What are the different curses?
There are various curses involved in human life, such as an individual’s curse, a family member’s curse, an ancestor’s curse, a suicidal person’s curse, society’s curse, nature’s curse, god’s curse, and saint’s curse, etc. We must avoid these curses in life, which may unnecessarily disturb our moods, actions, thoughts, and lifestyles.
What Is Karma?
Assume that your father was a good person and performed many good actions. Such actions are carried through genetic memory, and you will have such good character and have a peaceful life. This is a transformation of good karma from a father to a son, and it may be called karma through the previous birth. Assume another person has many bad habits. Through genetic memory, such practices are carried over to his child. When that child performs multiple wrong activities at a young age, he may get caught by the law/physically suffer, etc. By seeing this, that father will worry a lot.
This transformation of bad karma from a father to a son may be called karma to the next birth. Here, karma is transferred from a father to a son through genetic memory. The cosmic energy in the reproductive fluids carries the karma or human characters through genetic memory. It does not mean that an individual human suffers or benefits in this birth through previous birth’s karma. Practically, there is no human rebirth. Either human soul energy stays as an intact soul, which is salvation, or disperses into individual energy particles called the death of that human soul.
How does karma work exactly?
The human mind will develop a lot of good and bad desires and thoughts throughout life. If such thoughts are wrong and only temporary, they cannot be considered bad karma. But any prolonged ideas, deep thoughts, and strong thoughts will be strongly registered in the human brain’s memory. If such thoughts are good, they will lead to good actions, and such good thoughts will be considered good karma. If bad thoughts are dominant, these will lead to wrong actions, and such bad thoughts will be considered bad karma.
These thoughts may remain dormant in a person’s mind or maybe translated into action sometime later, or a person may not perform any activity as per his thoughts in his lifetime. Yet, such strong opinions will be strongly registered in his brain cells. Suppose if they get married and begets a child, their thoughts will be transferred to /her children genetically.
Most newborn children’s inborn characters are based on the strong thoughts of their parents. If the parents have good thoughts, the infant child will perform good actions in his life. Similarly, if the parent’s thoughts are impure, the progeny will perform wrong actions in his life whatever strong opinions developed by the parents will be performed by their children. Such parents’ thoughts on the child’s character are about 40% to 50 %. This is generally referred to as you reap what you sow. Strong memories are what you sow, and their results in your life are what you reap. All actions and thoughts are registered in the cosmic energy of human brain cells irrespective of good or bad. Such memory strongly impacts the human brain.
These kinds of memory registration are referred to as self-monitoring by cosmic energy. Your body’s cosmic energy monitors all your actions and registers your thoughts. No individual can escape such registration as he is the performer/doer. Every human being is comprised of billions of cosmic energies. Every action and thought are registered in his brain’s cosmic energy. Other people may not be able to read your innermost thoughts, or your secret intentions developed by your thoughts and secret actions performed by you.
Hence, karma by thoughts is strongly created due to your ideas and memory registrations in your brain chambers. You may think that some of your actions are not noticed by anyone as you have done everything secretly. But everything is registered in you, including your secret thoughts. Suppose a person steal using his cunning methods, thinking he will not be noticed by others and not get caught in his lifetime, but his stealing habit will be registered in his body’s cosmic energy. If he has a child, that child will also start stealing, and his father himself will be his first victim. The child will also develop his stealing skills better than his criminally inclined father. Suppose a father started stealing at the age of 20, his son will begin stealing at the age of 10, and he will plan well and do it frequently. Thus, very soon, he will get caught and lose his reputation in society.
Likewise, you may be a philanderer or a womanizer secretly, and you think that you are capable of hiding your secret from your family members. But when you beget a child, the traits registered in your brain will be genetically transferred to your child, and your child will also have the same adulterous habits in a secretive manner.
Is there such a thing as fate?
Society has a common belief that a supernatural power predetermines fate, and it cannot be altered and controlled by humans themselves. Furthermore, humans believe that they must undergo all life events per a predestined pattern. All life’s events, including the time of death, are predestined and decided by a superior power, i.e., god. By and large, the entire life of an individual is thus pre-programmed. This belief came to humans out of a fear of the unknown. This belief got strengthened, especially by seeing earlier deaths in other people’s lives. But all these beliefs are false notions.
Why do humans believe in fate?
People created the term fate when anything happens in their life beyond their expectations and control. Some people die when they are eighty years old, some die at a young age, some die by accidents, and some die by diseases. All such deaths create a lot of fear among the humans as they don’t get answers for such unexpected happenings, so they find the word of fate. It is a false notion. Unexpected events are happening due to various cosmic energy deficiencies in one’s life and different cosmic energy influences in life. Similarly, when people face any unexpected losses, failures, or monetary losses in their lives, they console themselves for some reason. Most people suitably use the word fate for their failures, and they do not come forward to accept their lack of skills, attention, and other calculations.
Please note that there is no pre-programmed life structure referred to as “fate” that decides any human’s life events, including the time of death. It is based only on cosmic energy interactions and influences in one’s life. Suppose a person can handle and control the evil forces of cosmic energy in various forms such as other persons’ attacks, germs and microbes, accidents, and intelligence enough to avoid unwanted risks. In that case, no such term fate exists in his life.
Read more …. The True Divinity Volume IV