Who is God?

After death, the invisible forms of cosmic energies from every cell of a human body form human soul energy. Such soul energy formation is an automatic process for all humans after death from their dead bodies. Most of humans’ soul energy disperses gradually. But certain skilled humans can withhold their soul energy intact. These skilled humans’ soul energy can exist in their invisible energy form as an eternal human soul for a prolonged period.
Humans with strong and courageous minds, humans who had gained knowledge about cosmic energy in their life, and humans who spent their life in the nature-oriented environment such as Saints who did tapas in forests and mountains, etc. could exist as an eternal soul. After the death of these skilled humans, if their souls exist as eternal souls and are invited to reside in the worship places, they are called godly souls or gods.
What is reincarnation?
Humans created a wrong concept that the gods have taken rebirth as humans, and such humans are known as avatars. Please note that the gods (eternal and immortal souls) will never take rebirth in any human form as an avatar. Once the human soul attains the status of a god, after that, they always exist as eternal godly souls. As time passes, such godly souls (i.e., eternal human souls) increase their various cosmic energy-handling powers through their eternal existence and they become skilled godly souls. With such skills, they can bless their worshippers. Hence the terminologies of “god’s avatars” or “god’s reincarnations” are falsely understood by humanity. If we say that the eternal gods have taken rebirth as humans or any other life form, their souls’ salvation status is gone. Their divine status as gods is also gone.
What is salvation?
Many saints assumed the cosmos and its energy particles as an almighty god. They imagined the dispersal of cosmic energy particles from a human soul in the open cosmos as the human soul is merged with the god or salvation. Human soul energy is formed after death which is fragile in the initial period. It must be strengthened through energizing rituals for its eternity. Salvation means to exist as an intact and eternal human soul with human life memories forever and not be dispersed. A strong or intact human soul can live eternally in the afterlife subject to the energy nourishment for its soul. Such a strong human soul can walk around in the places where it physically lived. If the energy particles completely disperse from a human soul, it is called the death of a human soul. Human soul’s invisible human-shaped energy form may disperse, but the energy particles never die. The millions of dispersed energy particles from a human soul may take individually different rebirths or may float in the air or fall on the ground which is not salvation for a human soul.
What is the god’s power?
The gods are cosmic energy handlers, and they use cosmic energy particles to help the worshippers which is known as their blessings. The god’s (eternal human soul in a worship place) powers can be classified as below:
- To increase the devotees’ intelligence or knowledge by inducing cosmic energy into their brain chambers during temple/worship places’ visits.
- To induce another human form of cosmic energy to support the devotees.
- To protect the devotees’ brain chambers from the harmful effects of other planets’ radiations and evil forces.
- To activate the brain chambers in old age and reduce anxiety and worries.
- The godly souls can help to achieve a human rebirth for some devotees who energized a particular godly soul. Humans are born and die, and with the help of some godly souls, some human souls may get eternal soul status. Otherwise, human souls simply disperse. Nowadays, the godly souls do not give importance to rebirth blessings. Hence, we can assume that there is no human rebirth for any devotee’s soul as believed.
- The gods can bless various siddhis to the devotees, including the Ashtama siddhis depending on the devotees’ divine services.
- The godly souls can help us to achieve Salvation / Moksha / Liberation / Mukthi. Salvation and Liberation mean that a human soul should not be dispersed into individual energy particles. The soul energy particles must stick together as an intact soul, referred to as an eternal soul which is salvation status for a human soul.
Read more … The True Divinity Volume III