Is heaven real?

In life, it is considered as a heavenly life if a person has a house, adequate food, vehicles, the ability to move around anywhere whenever he desires, enough clothes, many servants to take care of him, long life, no illness, sufficient wealth, and enough scope for entertainment such as music, drama, and other activities, etc. When a person dies, if his soul energy is enjoying all the above in the afterlife, it is considered a heavenly life for that person’s soul energy. When a person’s soul obtains salvation, and when it takes a godly status under any earlier existing godly soul, he is eligible to reside with the gods’ temple/worship place whom he had worshipped in his life. Any place or ritual which can give the required cosmic energy support to the human souls to sustain as an eternal soul alone can be considered heaven in the cosmos.
Usually, such facilities are available in the temples or in some worship places that are having facilities like temples’ energy facilities on the earth are the absolute “heaven” or “paradise” for the human souls in the cosmos. No other imaginary space in the cosmos or the sky is available as heaven, as generally imagined by people who deny thinking practically. If any worship place provides comforts and food to the human souls, then such a place is also called heaven for the human souls who reside over there.
Does Hell exist?
If you do not have a home, you can live in a rented house. But in the afterlife, if your soul does not have a place to reside (i.e., a temple), your soul can live only on the streets and graveyards. It is like living in hell in the afterlife, and your soul energy speedily gets dispersed into millions of individual energy particles in the air or falls on the earth. Thus, all your soul energy particles start their rebirth in various lower-level life forms such as grass, worms, etc., or as stones, mud, etc. Such a situation for your soul is referred to as hell-like status.
Who goes to hell?
Human soul formation is an automatic process for all humans. Without food and shelter, human soul energy gradually disperses into individual energy particles. When your soul’s energy particles are scattered individually, each cosmic energy particle will carry your human life memory. Suppose there are ten million scattered cosmic energy particles of a human. In that case, it may be assumed that there are ten million miniature forms of that human existence with that human’s memory.
Whatever discomfort those ten million individual cosmic energy particles face, it can be considered that such ten million numbers of same miniature humans are facing such discomfort. They will feel disrespected and forced to live in that bad condition. Generally, the scattered dead human body organs and the cosmic energies in such scattered organs may not come out so quickly and will merge with the sand and clay, etc. Thus, they are stuck in such dirty places and forced to live for long years there along with these microbes. This is what is termed “hell” in the afterlife. Majority human souls undergo such disturbances of nature and live in a hellish afterlife.
When a human is facing any discomfort, he worries. After death, when a human’s scattered cosmic energy particles face any pain, such worries will be more for those energy particles. Hence, do not imagine that somebody will torture your soul in the afterlife by throwing you in boiling oil or pits full of fire, etc., as is commonly imagined with the concept of hell. Without proper shelter to reside in the cosmos /earth/planet, a human’s soul energies and the scattered cosmic energy particles from the dead human bodies feel their degrading forms very severely. When the cosmic energy particles were in the human body, they enjoyed the facilities, home, respect from others, timely food, etc. When they are in soul form, they do not get anything.
In such degraded status, the cosmic energy particles that carry a particular human’s memory live with various microbes, centipedes, scorpions, insects, other low-level life forms, etc. Those energy particles of a human being are forced to live without any proper shelter in the afterlife. As there are no places for them to stay comfortably, the areas where they reside, and the related bad environmental conditions compared to the previous human life’s living conditions are considered hellish life or hell for those cosmic energies of that person.
Will soul fly to heaven?
Human brain cells’ invisible energy carries a particular human life memory that form a human soul. In your human life, you do not know how to fly. Thus, your soul does not know how to fly, and such skill is not in your human life memory. If you strongly believe that heaven is in the sky, the cosmic energy particles in your soul will disperse into individual energy particles. Such dispersal is the death of your soul form, and dispersed energy particles may float in the air or fall on the ground.
Read more …. The True Divinity Volume IV