What happens after the death?
Slow dispersal of a human soul’s energy particles is called the death of human soul
Majority of mankind is keen to know about what happens after death. After death, the human soul’s energy is formed by a little portion of invisible cosmic energies from every cell of the brain and body. Irrespective of human’s individual beliefs and knowledge about the afterlife, the formation of a human soul is an automatic process for all humans. The formation of an initial level of soul energy and its strength depends on an individual’s mind power, and various memories gained in his life are described. Human soul energy carries the memories of that human, and hence human soul energy collectively thinks that it survives in the afterlife as that human. Human soul energy exists as an invisible human form.
If a person lives up to 75 years, the brain cells have established connections with other organs. Thus, a cosmic energy link is established between the cosmic energies in the brain cells and the other organs. The stored energy in each cell is released, and they together form a human's soul energy in an invisible human shape. This initial level of soul energy of a human stands near the dead body. You may be a wealthy person in your life till you die. But after death, your soul stands like an orphan in the graveyard without shelter. This is the actual situation for every human soul, and how a human soul faces various problems in the afterlife from the nature’s forces, evil souls, etc. Your soul cannot expect an angel, chariot, etc., to take your soul up in heaven, and it will be walking/roaming around the known places registered in its human life memory like home, office, graveyard, etc.
You might have developed many thoughts and beliefs about your afterlife based on spiritual texts and leaders' guidance. Our ideas and imaginations about heaven, hell, moksha, salvation, etc., cannot help a human soul to stay in a safe place. After death, the natural and practical situation for a human soul is that you cannot expect help from an angel or messenger there. Humans’ souls will have a strong urge for food and water due to their mortal life memories and habits. Family members may offer food once a year to the dead in their graveyards or oceans/ponds nearby, which is insufficient to help a human soul exist as an eternal soul.
Human soul energy constitutes invisible cosmic energy particles of the human body. Due to their cosmic energy link, they stick together, which will be continuously disturbed by external forces such as the wind, rain, sunlight, etc. Without a safe place to reside, a human’s initial level of soul energy is forced to live nearby its burial place due to its cosmic energy link with its dead body.
Without food and water, it will slowly disperse into individual energy particles. Thus, an initial level of human soul energy formed just after death gradually diminishes. Its invisible human-shaped cosmic energy particles get damaged and slowly deformed, known as a ghost form of a human soul. The great challenge is how to survive in our soul energy form without dispersing into individual energy particles. Further, how to strengthen our initial level of soul energy as a strong and intact soul.
If we get the necessary food energy to nourish our soul energy, then a human soul can exist as a strong soul and, after that, can become an eternal human soul. If food energy is not available for a human soul, the cosmic energy link of human soul energy particles slowly collapses and the energy particles in a soul are dispersed in the cosmos. Thus, the invisible human-shaped soul energy form slowly changes into ghost form (deformed human soul) and fully disperses in the air or cosmos. This is not salvation, and it is called the death of a human soul.
Read more….. The True Divinity Volume IV
After death Rituals
The True Divinity (Volume IV) explains the cosmic energy’s impacts on human souls due to after death rituals. The mother’s womb is the beginning of a child’s mortal life. Graveyard’s tomb is the beginning of a human soul’s afterlife. Worldwide, People follow various forms of death rituals. The way we treat a dead body affects the formation of that deceased person's initial level of soul energy. When the dead body is allowed to decompose slowly for a longer duration by proper arrangements, a person’s soul energy grows firmly and steadily due to the cosmic energy link between the cosmic energy particles in the human soul and the remaining cosmic energy particles in the dead body. The saints, rishis, and wealthy kings knew this secret, and they created a safe burial place known as Samadhi. The significance of the death rituals and cosmic energy’s impact on the formation of the human soul are elaborated on in this book.
Cosmic energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Though we assume that it is a dead body, the cosmic energy particles in each cell of a dead man are not dead, and it has become suddenly idle when that human is dead. Due to the cosmic energy link between the cosmic energies in the dead body of a person and his soul energy, whatever happens to the dead body will affect the soul energy. When a doctor injects our skin, the cosmic energy links between the cells in that spot are pierced by the needle, and a little pain is created due to such a delinking between the cosmic energies in the skin cells. Delinking of cosmic energy particles creates pain. When a human body is buried, the decomposition happens naturally, and the cells are slowly decomposed. The cosmic energy link between the cosmic energy particles in a dead body is slowly disconnected. Hence, these individual energy particles in the dead body do not feel any pain.
When a human body is cremated, all the cosmic energy particles in the entire body are forced to be delinked abruptly, causing severe pain. The cosmic energies in the skin of the dead body have an already strong memory registration about various feelings, including the level of temperature tolerance. Thus, during cremation, the dead body’s cosmic energies will forcibly undergo excessive heat and experience intolerable pain in its soul energy form. Till the body gets fully cremated, which takes about 5 to 7 hours, the pain will continue in its soul energy form.
People cremate the dead body within 2 to 3 days after the death. They wait for all the relatives to come and see the deceased. During these two to three days, a portion of the initial level of soul energy is formed. During cremation, due to sudden delinking of cosmic energy in the cells of a whole body and excessive heat, the initial level of soul energy already formed within the first 2 to 3 days gets fully damaged. Burial helps a soul develop like nourishing a fetus slowly, and cremation destroys the formation of a human soul like abortion. Every human must understand what will happen to their soul energy based on the burial or cremation of their dead bodies.
The gods can help a devotee’s soul only when that soul exists without any damage. During cremation, its fire forces the soul energy to disperse. Dispersed soul energy cannot stay intact and hence the godly souls cannot grant salvation to such souls. Thereby such devotees lose the chance to enjoy their life’s charitable deeds done to the divinity. But in other nations, even though they do not have many skilled cosmic gods to lead the people to true salvation, the people of those regions have burials in well-decorated coffins to safely keep their bodies. Thus, most of their souls survive in the afterlife for a little longer.
Read more…. The True Divinity Volume IV