Interesting fact about Ganesa Hindu god


A blog about the meaning of Lord Ganapathy, Which god is worshipped first in Hinduism? energy reflection and benefits of worshipping elephant faced god lord Ganesa[…]

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Interesting facts Lord Siva (the most powerful Hindu god)


This blog explains about Who is Lord Shiva? Was Lord Shiva really a human being? Why does lord shiva wears snake around his neck? Why is Lord Shiva called destroyer? […]

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Amazing secrets of what is an evil soul?


A blog about What is the difference between good and evil souls?, Where does an evil soul reside?, how to get rid of the attacks from evil souls[…]

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Interesting facts about the ghosts and their afterlife


This blog explains about that after a person dies, does he turn into a ghost? Can a ghost hurt you? Do ghosts stay in the same area which they lived?[…]

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Title: Interesting fact about cremation and soul


A blog about What happens to the soul if a person is cremated, Does the soul experience pain if the body is cremated, afterlife after cremation, etc. […]

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Interesting facts about gods, immortals, eternal souls, paramatman


A blog about god, how human souls can become gods (eternal human souls), What is reincarnation? What is salvation? What is the god’s power?[…]

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Interesting facts about heaven and hell


This blog explains about the living places of human souls in the afterlife called as hell and heaven, Does hell exist, who goes to hell, Will soul fly to heaven? […]

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Interesting facts about idols, deities


A blog about idol worship, What happens when you look at a statue or a picture? What happens when you worship the idol or portrait? The science of Idol making, etc. […]

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Interesting facts about rebirth of humans and its possibility


This blog explains about that Does rebirth really happen after death as human form, How many times can you rebirth? what happens after to your by natures’ forces, etc.[…]

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Interesting facts about cosmic energy is misconstrued as god


This blog explains about that Is the God Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent? Is the God everywhere? The meaning of God never rests or sleeps, etc.[…]

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