A blog about the meaning of Lord Ganapathy, Which god is worshipped first in Hinduism? energy reflection and benefits of worshipping elephant faced god lord Ganesa[…]
A blog about the meaning of Lord Ganapathy, Which god is worshipped first in Hinduism? energy reflection and benefits of worshipping elephant faced god lord Ganesa[…]
This blog explains about Who is Lord Shiva? Was Lord Shiva really a human being? Why does lord shiva wears snake around his neck? Why is Lord Shiva called destroyer? […]
A blog about What is the difference between good and evil souls?, Where does an evil soul reside?, how to get rid of the attacks from evil souls[…]
This blog explains about that after a person dies, does he turn into a ghost? Can a ghost hurt you? Do ghosts stay in the same area which they lived?[…]
A blog about What happens to the soul if a person is cremated, Does the soul experience pain if the body is cremated, afterlife after cremation, etc. […]
A blog about god, how human souls can become gods (eternal human souls), What is reincarnation? What is salvation? What is the god’s power?[…]
This blog explains about the living places of human souls in the afterlife called as hell and heaven, Does hell exist, who goes to hell, Will soul fly to heaven? […]
A blog about idol worship, What happens when you look at a statue or a picture? What happens when you worship the idol or portrait? The science of Idol making, etc. […]
This blog explains about that Does rebirth really happen after death as human form, How many times can you rebirth? what happens after to your by natures’ forces, etc.[…]
This blog explains about that Is the God Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent? Is the God everywhere? The meaning of God never rests or sleeps, etc.[…]